Child Safety

Child Safe Standards

As Catholic educators, it is our moral, mission-driven, and legal obligation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of every student under our care.

We are committed to fostering nurturing, respectful, and secure communities where each young person's unique qualities and sacred dignity are celebrated, allowing them to thrive in their learning and development journey.

In line with this commitment, the Victorian Government introduced new Child Safe Standards aimed at better protecting children and young people, while also fostering greater national consistency. These updated Standards, effective from July 1st, 2022, offer clearer guidelines and practical advice.

Child Safe Organisations

When your child is in the care of an organisation, ensuring their safety from abuse is paramount. The Child Safe Standards are designed to prevent child abuse in over 50,000 Victorian organizations that provide services or facilities for children, including schools, kindergartens, sporting clubs, religious groups, hospitals, and more.

How the Child Safe Standards Protect Children:

  • Staff and Volunteer Checks: Conduct background and suitability checks.
  • Codes of Conduct: Implement clear guidelines for behavior.
  • Training and Supervision: Provide ongoing training and supervision.
  • Risk Assessments: Document and assess risks associated with activities.
  • Reporting Procedures: Establish clear protocols for reporting concerns.
  • Child Empowerment: Encourage children to speak up if they feel unsafe.

Organisations must demonstrate a commitment to child safety through policies, codes of conduct, and transparent procedures.

Ensuring Compliance:

To verify an organisation's adherence to the Child Safe Standards, you can:

  • Review their Child Safe Policy or Statement of Commitment to Child Safety.
  • Check for a Code of Conduct and information on raising safety concerns.
  • Ask questions about their compliance with the standards, risk assessments, staff checks, and encouragement for children to speak up.

If you have concerns about your child's safety:

  • Discuss them with a senior member of the organisation and seek a resolution.
  • If unresolved, contact the relevant regulator or the Commission for assistance.

Talking to Your Child About Safety:

Engage your child in discussions about their safety by asking questions like:

  • "Do you always feel safe at [the organisation]?"
  • "Is there anything you don’t like or feel uncomfortable about?"
  • "Who would you talk to if you felt unsafe?"
  • "Have staff talked about making you feel safe?"
  • "Do staff listen to you and other children?"

For more detailed information, visit the Commission for Children and Young People’s website.


At St Joseph's, we recognise the pivotal role of technology in our rapidly evolving digital landscape. We are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment for all members of our school community. This commitment extends to the responsible and secure use of digital tools and online communities. Our goal is to empower students who are not only confident but also safe and effective users of Digital Technology. 

Each year, at the commencement of the academic year, both students and parents at St Joseph's are encouraged to read, discuss, and sign our school's Digital Technologies User Agreement. This agreement outlines the expectations for safe and responsible behaviour when using digital tools. 

Ensuring online safety is a priority at St Joseph's, through our Wellbeing and Digital Technology programs, students are educated on online etiquette, privacy, safety measures, and the importance of seeking support or reporting online concerns. We also address social media issues that may arise outside of school hours, providing support to students as needed. 

In line with our commitment to student safety, we request families to consider age ratings for social media apps and online games, actively monitoring their child's participation on these platforms. Resources to assist parents in navigating these digital landscapes can be accessed through documents provided by the school.


Regarding mobile phones, smartphones, and smart devices, we understand that some families prefer their child to have these devices for family communication and student safety.  

Our policy at St Joseph's requires students to submit their devices to the school office before school, with collection upon departure.  

This practice ensures focused learning time, secure storage, and compliance with privacy regulations during school hours. Students who do not adhere to this policy risk the potential loss or confiscation of their mobile phones on school premises.