Positive Behaviour for Learning

At St Joseph’s, we believe Wellbeing is critical to children’s learning and life outcomes. 

Student wellbeing is embedded in all that we do and is enacted everyday through our school values of respect, courage and kindness and through the school’s vision and mission. We continually build a community where authentic relationships are based on enriching lives by life-giving relationships which are inspired to bring the Gospel to life.  

Through a shared responsibility from all members of our school community to develop high-quality and trusting relationships, we strive to create a safe and supportive learning environment. St Joseph’s Catholic respects the rights of all students to learn, the rights of all teachers to teach and the rights of all members of the school community to be safe.  Through the framework of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), we take a proactive approach to behaviour support guided by the Gospel values to empower students to be ready to encounter their future with open arms.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.