Our Logo

St_Joseph_s_Logo_VERTICAL.pngThis logo reflects the open, inclusive and welcoming community of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School: a place of gathering, learning and belonging. 

The cross sweeps through the land, honouring a treasured Catholic heritage in the Werribee area and our commitment to empowering our students to explore their understanding and contribution to the world, with a Catholic imagination. 

The Southern Cross bridging the circle has a dual meaning. The stars represent the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart and their foundress Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. The Sisters settled in Werribee to educate children in the Catholic tradition. It is also a symbol for our students to be inspired to glow brightly now and into the future. 

The river flowing through the circle acknowledges the traditional owners of the land, the Wadawurrung nation who gathered along its banks and used the rivers and wetlands as a lifegiving source of food, rich in birdlife and native plants. The water represents a journey and life. St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is committed to reconciliation. 

The fertile land housing the cross acknowledges the arrival of settlers and migrants who began farming communities in the area. Their stewardship of this land is a reminder of our collective responsibility to conserve and value our diverse natural environment. 

“May the spirit of unity and love reign amongst us.” Mary MacKillop 12.9.1884 

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.