Vision & Mission


Together in God’s love, St Joseph’s will empower students to encounter the future with respect, 

courage and kindness, enriched by life-giving relationships and inspired to bring the Gospel to life. 

“May the spirit of unity and love reign amongst us.” Mary MacKillop


Spirit of unity: Respect, Kindness, Responsibility & Courage 


Inspired by the Gospels, St Joseph’s School will embrace opportunities and innovate through:

  • Dialogue and encounter with the story and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Tradition
  • Collaboration, inclusion and inquiry
  • Commitment to the safety of every child
  • High quality and evidence-informed teaching to improve student outcomes
  • The promotion of student agency
  • Creative use of space, technology and resources
  • Honouring the sacred dignity of each person
  • Actioning unity, sustainability and social justice in caring for self, others and our world

“Never see a need without doing something about it!” Mary MacKillop