Parents in Partnership (PIP) Program

At St Joseph's Primary School, we highly value and emphasise parental engagement and volunteering as integral components of our children's education. The collaboration between teachers and parents at St Joseph's creates a positive environment that nurtures children's development and fosters a favourable attitude towards school. 

Join us in shaping the future of our beloved St. Joseph's by becoming a part of our Parents in Partnership project. We believe that your involvement is crucial in creating a thriving and supportive community for our students. Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Catholic Spirit Team: Work alongside fellow parents to promote our school's Catholic mission and values. Help organize community masses, events, and support social justice causes.
  2. Fundraising Team: Contribute to our school's financial health by participating in fundraising projects throughout the year.
  3. Community and Hospitality Team: Foster connections among parents and carers through enjoyable activities like coffee meet-ups or school events.
  4. Gardening and Maintenance Team: Assist with gardening and maintenance projects at the school, guided by our dedicated staff.
  5. Creative Arts Team: Collaborate on arts projects and crafting initiatives as needed to enhance our school's creative environment.
  6. Grants Application Writing Team: Support our school in securing government and community grants by participating in regular meetings to write grant applications.

Joining a team is a wonderful way to actively contribute to our school's success. However, if you're unable to commit to a team, we still value your input and talents! Share your unique skills with us, and together we'll explore how they can benefit our school community.

Let's work together to make a difference at St. Joseph's!

To join our Parent's In Partnership program click here. 

Ensuring a safe environment, St Joseph's adheres to the Working with Children Check (WWCC) requirements. All parents involved in volunteer work, including excursions and Parents & Friend's activities, are required to obtain and display a WWCC card. Additionally, parents are encouraged to read and sign the Volunteer Code of Conduct, reinforcing the commitment to a positive and supportive school community.