Enrolment Enquiry

Enrolments for 2025 are almost at capacity. Baptised children of the St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School’s catchment area please complete and submit an enrolment enquiry form or contact the school office on 8742 3381.

Our process is as follows:

  1. Complete the enquiry for enrolment by clicking below ‘Request for Enrolment’.
  2. Once completed you will receive an email acknowledging your enquiry.
  3. The school will be in contact with further steps or requests.
  4. 2026 Foundation applications must be submitted by 20th April, 2025.
  5. Enrolment interviews for 2026 Foundation placements will take place in May and June 2025.
  6. Offers of placement will be sent to families in July 2025 and enrolment acceptance must be returned by the specified due date, along with the $200 enrolment deposit fee.
  7. All places are offered at the principal’s discretion.
  8. Applications of all other year levels (Years 1-6) will be processed in August and September 2025.
  9. For any other enrolment enquiries please contact the school on 8742 3381 or email enrolments@sjwerribee.catholic.edu.au

We look forward to hearing from our new prospective families.